Friday, December 31, 2010

Out With The Old

It's the end of 2010 and every year we tell ourselves the same lies that we are done with this mess and that mess only to find ourselves still in bondage to some mess.    The Word of God reads  in Matthew 18:18 (NIV)  “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."  So we can bind and loose and God has our backs.  Bind what and loose what you may ask...  Well here we go.  In the Name of Jesus Christ I bind the spirit of....
1.  Pride and I loose a humble spirit.
2.  Fornication and I loose a pure spirit
3.  Lying and I loose a truthful spirit
4.  Bad habits and loose a spirit to please God
Just to name a few, I'm letting go of everything keeping me from being all that God has called me to be.  I believe that God will open the flood gates of Heaven and pour His blessings out on me, renew my spirit and give life to my dying situations.  I have got to take control of everything corrupting my growth, I acknowledge that my mess is my fault God and I need You to lead me, guide me, and help me out of this place of destruction.  God I am trusting You because there is no other way.
Praise God we made it to the end of another year, we still have time to get it right.

God Bless,

Woman Highly Favored of God  

Thursday, December 30, 2010

God's Promises For Me

We as believers of God don't know or forget that God's promises are for us.  The enemy sends all types of distractions our way so that we get caught up in how things look.  I wrote a song called "Life and Death" and it's so true, the song is saying we should say what God says when it comes to our life and situations in our life.  If we would take time to read and study our Bible as my Pastor calls the 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth' manual, we would be able to stand with our heads held high knowing it's all good.  Here are a few promises to get you headed in the right direction.  My challenge to you and me is to find ourselves a new promise each week, I say week because once we get started I believe we will hunger so after knowing the knowledge of God's will and promises for us that we will search the Word of God daily to hear what "Thus says the Lord".
1.  Protection--Ps. 121:7,8>He will keep me from all harm and watch over my life......
2.  Prayer--Isaiah 65:24>He will answer before I call, while I am still speaking He hears me....
3.  Mercy--Psalm 103:13>He has compassion on me for I fear him.....I respect Him..Love what He loves and hate what he hates.
4.  Love--Proverbs 8:17>He loves me and I can always find Him as I seek Him.....
5.  Blessings--Deuteronomy 11:26-28> He gives me blessings if I obey, but a curse if I disobey. O yeah ya'll knew I wasn't gonna just leave that out right.  These promises are ours and we have to be obedient to receive the blessings with the promise.  Pastor McCormick taught me that too.  Ya'll should really come visit Friendship Full Gospel Baptist Church, nothing but the truth is taught there.  863-682-6361 is the phone number for directions.
God loves each and every one of us, He hates sin.  So find your promise, love your God, and be blessed.  I love you.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tithe and Offerings

I took the day off yesterday; did ya'll miss me.  I was off from work and I rested.  I went to church Sunday and the time came to give tithes and offering.  I had left my pre-written check home so I was gonna just bring it on next week, but I didn't want to forget.  (didn't want to start pinching from it)  well I wanted to go ahead and put my seed in the ground so I wrote another check.  That was my last, but it's okay because God's word is what I stand on and Malachi 3:10 NIV reads - Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.  Well I went home and was going through my Christmas cards that a sister from church had given me a week ago and guess what, there was a check inside of the card.  Wow!!!  God is awesome, because the next day I went to work and a co-worker blessed me with more cash money.  Standing on the Word of God is all I got.  He said test Him, so that's what I am gonna do.  God's promises are real.  God thank You that I am Your daughter and Your blessings are mine.  I'll be calling Gus later today and finding out if he had a chance to touch up the rough rough draft of the cd that we made.  

God Bless,

Woman Highly Favored of God

Sunday, December 26, 2010



2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!  It is insane to think that we can hold on to old mess and receive new blessings.  Trust in God and let go of all the old mess, don't hold anything back for just in case.  Trust God completely and watch Him show out for you.  Let go of old hurts, old relationships, old thinking, and old attitudes.  God I know that you will not withhold any good thing from me according to Psalm 84:11, because I walk upright that promise is mine.  So I give my heart to You, and I give my mind to You.  You know what I need.  It's almost the end of the year, this is long overdue.  

I love You Lord

Woman Highly Favored of God

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Still Going After This Gift From God

As I had time to rest today and just fellowship with God.  Some things came to me, very clear.   I am currently reading a book titled "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by: Elizabeth George.  It is a wonderful learning tool.  Although I love to write, and sing, and believe that God will bless the works of my hands.  I believe the Spirit of the Lord wanted me to understand that my true gift from Him is my bold way in winning souls for Him.  So I need to make sure  I know that while I am "Going After This Gift From God"  I need to put as much effort into winning souls as I put into writing gospel songs if not more.  I like talking to people about Christ and it brings me joy when I do.  I'm straight up with anyone I meet when it comes to witnessing.  So please don't think that I am giving up on the writing and singing and I will keep you posted on how it is going.  But more of my blogs will be Jesus focused and not Brenda focused.  Thanks Holy Spirit for leading me.  Isn't God sooooo good.  Lord I Give Myself To You, so You Can Use Me.

click the link to hear an anointed worship song and my dedication to God.

YouTube - William McDowell - I Give Myself Away: 

Woman Highly Favored of God

Merry Christmas Jesus!!!!

Today is December 25, 2010, it's Christmas.  So Merry Christmas Jesus, I love You and I thank You for all You have done, all You are doing, and all that You will do.  Thanks for being born so I may be forgiven.  In my singing voice:  Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday my Dear Jesus, Happy Birthday to You.  Celebrate Jesus today and everyday of your life and find peace that you can't even understand.
Philippians 4: 7 KJV And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Let not your heart be troubled

Hi Friends and Family;

I listened to the CD Gus made of me and well it's not totally trash. I don't really like how I sound on a lot of it though.  It didn't sound so bad while we were recording and listening, it's funny because we were actually talking about something similar to this.  The plan is that he will touch it up as a rough draft and we'll send it off.  I guess it's a rough, rough, draft right now.  After receiving a certificate # for copyrights it's time to go into a studio.  Time to spend the bucks to get it done.  This is all so complicated to me, I feel myself getting frustrated. Then the Spirit of my Lord says Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:1 KJV 
I will keep on keeping on.  Keep on trusting God.  I can't see what He sees and I most defiantly don't know what He knows.  So I'm just gonna keep saying what God says in His word, Deuteronomy 28:6 - I'm blessed coming and going.  Amen

Stay in touch,

Woman Highly Favored of God

Thursday, December 23, 2010


To God be the glory.  Gus and I are recording right now.  The kids are gone and it's quiet.  Iyana went with her godparents, Jurnee went with Auntie Shay and Roderick, Devonte' is with his dad, and Andrea is gone to the movies.  So here goes the recording.  We had fun, I kept asking "Will I hear me" as he was cutting and laying tracks.  Recording is serious business.  I really just want to write oh my goodness!!!  He told me to go take a bathroom break, I think I might be getting on his nerves.  I feel a little bad, ya'll pray for him so that I don't stress him out.....He said he would be able to burn me a copy of the rough draft tonight.  I'll be sending the rough draft to copyrights soon.  I'm only sending the one with music because there are too many to record and send off by the December 31.  Today is the eve to Christmas eve.  By the way a young lady did a reading in church Sunday and she wanted to make sure everyone remembered to invite Jesus to their Christmas celebrations, He is the reason for this festive season, so Happy Birthday Jesus and You are welcome into my home, my heart, my mind, my dreams, and this recording especially.  Okay we are done recording.  We did 1 song with music and 2 songs without music, all three are going to U.S. copyrights on December 31, 2010.  I think they sound pretty good for beginners.  Gus is being really patient with me so I thank God for him..  My prayer for Gus is that God blesses the works of his hands as well.  I hope he gets a good grade also, I think he deserves an A+. (smile)  Well it's 9:32 and I have to be to W/M by 10:00 , I'm sleepy but this 2 job thing will be over soon.

God Bless and please keep in touch and post a message,

Woman Highly Favored of God

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stay Focused

Well yesterday was Tuesday and Gus and Nic recorded, NOT ME.  My work schedule did not permit me to after they finished.  We set my date for Thursday 12/23/2010 @ 6:00 p.m.  I get off from COL at 5:00 and I have to be to work at 10:00 p.m. at W/M but it's got to get done, we have a goal to meet. There are too many distractions I must "Stay Focused".  But I'm only comes the pity party. SMH at myself.  God thank You for the Holy Spirit that let's me know when I'm being silly.  Well I'll let you know tomorrow how the recording comes out.  I believe it's going to be a blessing.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God's Business 1st

As I laid in my bed @ 3:30 a.m. this morning I believe the Spirit of the Lord dropped in my spirit these words "God's Business First!!"  So as I thought on that , I wondered, "What are You saying God? What am I suppose to get from that?" And then Matthew 6:33 came to mind (NIV) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

God wants me to not forget to put Him first while "Going After This Gift From God".  As a Christian I am to be a witness of Jesus Christ, present the Gospel to others, spend time with God so that as I witness my light will shine and God will be seen in me.  

And although I desire to get this thing and be blessed from the works of my hands, I must be about "God's Business First"
I can not neglect my time with God, my children, my place in the ministry where I worship, or being available for service as needed by my Pastor or First Lady.

And as I thought a little more Psalm 37:4 came to mind (NIV)-Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.  

So as I study the Word of God and search for Gods Kingdom, the Heavenly things and Righteousness, meeting God's standards of what is right not my own, as I take delight, find pleasure in the things of God, find pleasure in obeying God's word He will give me the desires, the cravings, of my heart.  

Which will in turn be blessing Him and winning souls for Him through my gift that He has blessed me with.  You see God wants me to understand NOW that it's not about me, it's all about HIM. 

Thanks for reading, stay in touch.  God Bless

Woman Highly Favored of God

Monday, December 20, 2010

Need Help From Family and Friends

Just found out that the search engines will not support my blog unless I get a lot of hits.  So I need ALL my family and friends to make sure you are following me.  The more hits I get the Better.  I am sending everyone I know on facebook the link to this blog and I need your help.  I will be blogging every detail concerning my journey "Going After This Gift From God".  I am a song writer, poem writer, and praise and worship singer.  I really wanted to write the lyrics and songs for others to sing, but it seems I have to do the singing to get things going, so Holy Spirit be with me.  I just spoke to Gus and guess what, we will be recording again on Tuesday evening, that's tomorrow.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I will be speaking with my Pastor about making me some business style cards to pass out to everyone.  I am going to send the link to the radio stations and different ministries.  New Living Translation For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.  Without Christ I am nothing.  Have a blessed day.  And please remember to stay in touch.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life And Death Is In The Power of Your Tongue

Hello Bloggers;
This is like my 3rd day at this and if I don't start recording again I'M GONNA.......just relax and be patient and trust God.  You know Life and Death is in the Power of  your tongue, the word of God reads in Numbers 14:28 "...As I live, says the Lord, just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you":  so I have to control what I allow to come out of my mouth.  If things are this crazy now, how am I going to feel in the next few weeks if things are still going slow, I can't mess up my blessings with my own mouth there will be enough haters to try to do that anyways.  My prayer for me today is "Lord, let Your will be done.  Amen"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thanks Pooh

Last night my daughter came to me and said that she believed the Holy Spirit wanted her to tell me "don't give up on this".  I really love that girl, she's one of the best blessings God has given me.  She really makes me proud and  I am so happy to take her on this journey with me.  She must have seen me looking a little perplexed but I praise God that she had a word of encouragement for me.  She believes in the gift that God has given me, and that means a lot.  So nothing has went to copyrights yet and that's what is making me HOT!!!  You know when you are burning with something, and no one else understands that fire.  God please send me someone to help me understand this process and get the ball rolling.  I am so busy just trying to make things run smooth.  God 1st is the key....So while I am "Going After This Gift From God" I must remember to put God 1st, not be anxious and He will lead me and guide me in the right direction.  Thanks for reading, have a blessed day.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Writing From My Heart

Okay so now I have all these anointed poems and songs that God has given me to share with His people.  I've been just sitting on them.  Shared a few with Christ Prayer Deliverance (Pastor Gordon)  and Friendship Full Gospel (Pastor James McCormick) so now I'm trying to get a track done.  It's not as easy as it may seem.  When Gus came so we could start, I pulled out about 10 songs thinking we were going to record them all in one day.  What was I thinking?....We almost completed 1.  That's right only one, and as I said before one of the reasons it's taken so long is because I've been lazy.  So if any of you have a real connection with God, agree with me as I bind the spirit of laziness as I continue "Going After This Gift From God"  I can't give up now, nobody said it would be easy so hopefully in the next few days at least, my goal is to have sent that one song to copyrights and then post it.  It's anointed and I know you will be blessed.  So keep in touch.  And if it's not here, be a thorn in my side.  Have a Jesus filled day.

Stop sitting on your gift from God.

Psalm 90:17 (Amplified Bible)

17And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands--yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.

God is not a liar and will not be mocked; His word says He will (establish) bless the work of my hands.

For the past 20 years I have known that I have a gift that only God could have given me.  Scared to use it and lazy, I've been sitting on my blessing for at least 10 years. This is my cycle now and I can't let it pass me by AGAIN, so join me on this journey as I begin "Going After This Gift From God."