Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why People Play???

What makes a person pretend they don't know their child is getting on peoples nerves? Have you ever been in church and the people seated behind you has a child that continues to hit on the seat you are sitting on, or they are playing with the collar on your shirt, or just keep talking. Why they want to pretend they so deep into the word that they don't see that their child is being a distraction to you getting the word. Or have you ever been at a restaurant and someone is letting their child just walk up to different tables? Why they think you want to look in their snotty child face? What about at work and people just watch as their child walks behind the desk, or watch as they stand on the chairs and climb on the tables? Now as soon as they fall down they gone be trying to sue. I'm serious; Why People Play? Just in case you are one of these people that are mentioned above, get it together. You don't like your child, so why you think other people want to entertain their foolishness? Train your child in they way they should act at home, so when they go out in public they will not act like they have foolish parents.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Busy, Busy, Me!!!

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write like I use to, and I've been a little lazy too. Well I've been working on balancing everything out, I've even been going to the gym so I can get rid of this bootydoo and be sho nuff sexy for my 40th birthday.

God wants us to balance out our lives, balance keeps things in perspective. Balance is order. Proverbs 28:2 reads When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order. God wants us to have order in our home, ministry, jobs and leisure. We need to seek God 1st for help (read the Bible) so that we aren't unstable, "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peach." 1 Cor. 14:32

Where disorder reigns, we find instability in our personal, spiritual, and professional lives.

So find order, and find balance so you will find peace.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big Sistah to Lil Sistah.....

To God be all the glory. We had a Big Sistah to Lil Sistah program at FFGBC on Friday, April 1st and it was wonderful. We talked to the young ladies about Salvation, Hygiene, Respect, Appearance, Saying No Drugs, Sex, and Alcohol, and Boys. It was very interesting, the girls talked and they say they had a good time. We didn't get this growing up, the talk about such things was taboo. It was really nice I am excited about the next one, already got ideas. I hope that it recorded good enough to get CDs out, I know it will bless others.

To God Be the Glory

Woman Highly Favored of God