Saturday, January 4, 2014

354 Days Until Christmas...

Now is the time for parents to decide if they are going to put together the Santa lie again this year, or if they will be truthful.  I've seen those Christmas movies, and they make me want to believe sometimes and then I catch myself.  I even wanted to sit on Santa's lap in "This Chistmas,"  y'all know Mekhi Phifer fine, don't judge me.
I saw a lady at the mall while I was with my grandson, and she asked him what did Santa bring him?  Well I said, "We don't do Santa, but Jesus blessed him with some diapers."  She looked at me strange, so I said, "Every year people take the time to fabricate the big Santa story, but no one wants to tell their children about God.  Excuses are made that they are too young to understand God." 

The looks got stranger, and I'm sure she was hoping her order would be ready soon., but I still had time to keep going.  I then told her, "I would rather take the time to tell my child about a God who can save their lives that they can't see physically, than a Santa that takes my glory that they can see."  Her order was up and so was my conversation, but I was glad Brendan got her attention.

Woman Highly Favored of God 

The Producer Said....

...That my music was too Spiritual.  What?  Yes, after going to the studio and recording three songs I finally had them reach a producer in Nashville.  He sent me a letter and said that my music was too Spiritual, too bold, and would probably upset people.  He told me that he liked my voice, and loved the music.  I was very humbled that he took the time to review the music, type me the letter, and send it back to me.  Does that mean I'm going to run away from my gift and stop writing songs with scriptures that may offend people?  Nope, I'm going to keep doing it the bold way that God has instructed me to do, because I know when it goes to the right person, God will go ahead of it and He won't abandon me.  Love ya

Woman Highly Favored of God

Proverbs 28:1
The wicked run away when no one is chasing them,
but the godly are as bold as lions.

Deuteronomy 31:6
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the L ord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you."

Realizing My Worth...

...After 14 years of being his wife trying to be his queen, I realized I was royalty and already HIS queen!

Woman Highly Favored of God

Wrapping makes it nicer....

...As I look back over my blog I can see how mature and more professional my writing has become.  So if you read the older ones, which are still a blessing, you may see a few errors.  Please forgive me.  This made me think that naturally a gift is nice, but once you put that pretty wrapping paper on it, it's so much prettier, and if you have one of those lovely bows to go on top, wow!  The same thing goes for my gift of writing, it's my gift from God, but it can be improved.  The more time I study the word, that wrapping of knowledge makes a poem even nicer, and if I fast and pray before I write it, that anointed bow drives God's point home.  Be blessed.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Being Obedient Even in the Cold...

...I woke up this morning cold, and God said "Seek Me."  I thought, "Surly I can do this from my warm bed, it's 41 degrees.  So, I started praying, seeking God, and the Spirit said, "Get out of your comfort zone, and seek me."  So I got up and started walking around my bed room praying, well I felt led to go into this closet in my bedroom which is the coldest room in the house to pray.  That is where I ended up seeking God's face for wisdom, strength, family, prosperity, my ministry, my pastor and his family, and facebook friends.  Have a blessed day.

Are you smarter than.....

.....God?  Let me help you just in case you're stupid enough to think the correct answer is yes.  Nope you are not, no one is.  1 Corinthians 1:25 (NIV) For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
If God was foolish, He still is wiser than us.  God knows just what we need, and when we need it?  We all want money, but God knows that we can't handle being wealthy right now.  Just keep tithing and being faithful, and while we are doing that we are becoming spiritually mature.
Some husbands and wives want babies, but God knows that a baby isn't just what is needed in your current situation, just keep loving on one another and remember Sarah's story.
Some want husbands or wives, but God knows we aren't strong enough to be 100% submissive just yet, so just keep being led by the Holy Spirit and one day, that Holy Ghost filled man will find his good woman.
Yes, God is wiser and stronger than we come close to being.  So just trust all His ways, especially His timing.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.  I am so excited about the different things God is doing in my life right now.  I am growing closer to Him through my trials.  I have known for a while what God wanted from me, but I kept finding other things to be busy with.  It's a new year and I'm not forgetting 2013, I'm remembering all the stupid stuff I did.  I'm remembering that the Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death, so I should be dead.  I'm remembering that God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap.  With encouraging words from my pastor I have changed my "Why me Lord?" to "What now Lord?"  I said that for thirty days straight, and I promise you that things have changed for me by changing the words I speak.  Life & Death are in the power of the tongue, and I should know.  I wrote the song, lol...  I'm excited about God right now.  God has plans for me, and I am ready.  So, I don't have any resolutions, but I am remembering so I don't find myself dwelling back in mess.  I have sat down on so many visions that God has given me, and it's time to stand and get busy for God.  If I have to tell myself this everyday I will.  I am tired of allowing the devil to kick my butt with distractions.  So, again I say Happy New Year and if you know me, and you start seeing the blessing flowing towards me, just know that God did it for me.  Have a blessed day, and I love you.

Woman Highly Favored of God