Friday, May 20, 2011

Just An Ain't, Not Really A Saint if.......

you can't control your tongue.  Wow!!!  Is your tongue deceiving you?  Do you think that you can allow your tongue to say whatever and still praise God?  The Word says in James 1:26 If you think you are being religious, but can't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and everything you do is useless.  So that means all that hallelujah, and all that going to see the sick, and doing everything that a true worshiper would do means nothing it's useless, because you can't control your tongue.  That's because if it's coming out of your mouth, it's in your heart.  Luke 6:45>A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.  If we are speaking a bunch of mess, that's what our heart is full of.  That's Bible ya'll not me.  It made me check myself too, but that's what God wants us to do, encourage one another, He wants us to do better once we know better.  It's an awful thing for us to keep fooling ourselves, being  Just An Ain't, Not Really A Saint.  Let's do better, let's think better, let's speak better, let's be better.  God loves us, and He's the best that we can have.

Woman Highly Favored of God



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