Monday, June 27, 2011

The Rainbow Says to me.....

WIPE OUT!!!!  On June 25th, 2011 I was riding down 98 N in Lakeland, Florida headed to church for an anniversary service for Pastor JMac and 1st Lady and I saw a rainbow.  And my heart was filled with joy to see it and I was just smiling and riding, and I believe God wanted me to write that the rainbow belongs to Him.  He created it, it is designated as a testimony of God's promise to us, as long as there's a rainbow...I hear God.  You see some would say that is represents gay power, and I say to that, be happy because there's nothing gay about God.  The devil will always be a copy cat and try to make changes to God's creation, he has nothing original except sin.  Read Gen. 9, God created the rainbow, not Disney or anybody else.  Man is just doing what man does, messing up.  God's covenant with Noah included that the rainbow would remind God of His promise to us, that never again shall a flood destroy all flesh.  God is alive people, and in the saving business.  Now ya'll ready, here we go.  Why we think we so full of the word and that we don't need to study to remind ourselves of a promise from God.  If God has to be reminded with the rainbow that the rain has to stop because I promised that the waters wouldn't destroy the entire population, ya'll do know why He destroyed the entire man population before right (with the exception of Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their sons wives--8 people)?  SIN, SIN, & MORE SIN!!!  People living like hell, ungrateful people, wicked people, corrupt people, violent people, sound kinda like our neck of the woods.  Anyways, God was sick of all this wickedness going on, so sick of it that He was sorry He made man & was grieved in His heart. (vs6:6) God was so mad at this sin that He caused the rain to flow down & destroyed them ALL.  Now I've read this  all before, but when you study something it's a bit different.  Man every time the rain drops now, I'm gone repent and my praise will be more intense, because I know the waters won't kill us all but enough can come to get some attention (hello Katrina).  Don't get mad at me, I'm just saying.  The Bible says in Gen. 9:15 that God said, seeing the rainbow He will remember, now anytime you set a reminder for yourself it's so you don't forget right?  So you can take it like you want to but I'm gone believe that He don't want to forget that although all this SIN, SIN, & MORE SIN is going on, I ain't gone flood them out again because of My covenant.
And of course wickedness will try to get your mind off of the true meaning of the rainbow, by deception and causing you to fuss with someone about what the rainbow really represents, because if we too stupid to stop and realize that the rainbow is a message from God, then the devil is happy.  God is alive people and even though seeing the rainbow brought joy to my heart, I think it was also God's way of saying check yourself.  Is your living causing God to have to check out His rainbow, so He doesn't wipe you out?  The rainbow says to me, get it together, while you still have a chance.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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