Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's Gift is Beauty for Your Ashes & Joy....

for Your Mourning: Now Live.  Isaiah 61:1-3
Ashes are defined as the remains after burning, deathlike grayness.  God wants to give us beauty (life) for whatever is causing us to be dead.  Joy for our mourning (peace, love, hope, happiness) for whatever caused us to be sorrowful.  Let go of the past that stops you from receiving your gift.  When you hold on to mess and refuse to forgive, mess is really holding on to you and you're dead in a sense.  To choose to forgive is a step toward healing, getting better.  If you aren't healing to forgiveness, you're dying to NOT forgiving.  Don't allow yourself to be controlled by something that someone has done to you.  Pray for them, Forgive & Live.  

Woman Highly Favored of God

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