Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Ups Outweigh My Downs

As I think back over my life, and what I am going through right now I must say "My Ups Outweigh My Downs".  I could complain all day everyday, but all I would be doing then is speaking contrary to God's word.  No matter what I have been through or am going through God's Word says I win.  Jesus won the fight, He has the keys of hell and death (Rev. 1:18).  Matt 28:18 says that all power belongs to Jesus, Romans 8:17 says I am a joint heir with Christ, so through Him I have power.  That power reminds me that "My Ups Outweigh My Downs".
Yes I became pregnant as a teen, and that was wrong but praise God for Andrea, I don'te believe that I could have asked for a more precious gift.
Yes my marriage ended after 14 years, but I've learned how to be a better wife and praise God for Devonte'. Jurnee, and Iyana.
Yes I am working two jobs trying to make ends meet, but praise God I have a job and I am learning more and more each day to obey His Word and depend on Him.
Yes my liver had 2 mass on it and I had to undergo a major 7 hour surgery and now I have this big ugly scar on my stomach, but praise God I am alive.  My scar is my reminder that Jesus was there with me, it actually is a big J.
Yes I've been dreaming my dream for a long time, but praise God I'm learning to be patient and wait on the Lord.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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