Friday, March 2, 2012

A Docile Spirit....

Can help you in life.  A teachable spirit is a humble spirit. 1 Pet 5:5>Young folks listen to old folks.  Be humble with each other, for God opposes the proud, the ones who won't listen to teaching but gives grace to the humble.  Prov. 12:1 Whoever loves to be taught is smart, he who hates being taught is stupid. This is the BYT version but look it up for yourself.

If you refuse to be taught, you are stupid, that's the Word people.  We often get advice (teaching) from someone who has been through what we are going through or something we may be about to go through.  But we don't listen if we don't have A Docile Spirit.  We think we know everything, can't nobody tell us nothing and then we do what we are advised not to do and look stupid.  Well guess what, because we hated instruction, we are stupid.

Let's listen to Godly instruction and learn from it so that we may be blessed from having a Docile Spirit and not a prideful one.

Woman Highly Favored of God


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