Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.  I am so excited about the different things God is doing in my life right now.  I am growing closer to Him through my trials.  I have known for a while what God wanted from me, but I kept finding other things to be busy with.  It's a new year and I'm not forgetting 2013, I'm remembering all the stupid stuff I did.  I'm remembering that the Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death, so I should be dead.  I'm remembering that God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap.  With encouraging words from my pastor I have changed my "Why me Lord?" to "What now Lord?"  I said that for thirty days straight, and I promise you that things have changed for me by changing the words I speak.  Life & Death are in the power of the tongue, and I should know.  I wrote the song, lol...  I'm excited about God right now.  God has plans for me, and I am ready.  So, I don't have any resolutions, but I am remembering so I don't find myself dwelling back in mess.  I have sat down on so many visions that God has given me, and it's time to stand and get busy for God.  If I have to tell myself this everyday I will.  I am tired of allowing the devil to kick my butt with distractions.  So, again I say Happy New Year and if you know me, and you start seeing the blessing flowing towards me, just know that God did it for me.  Have a blessed day, and I love you.

Woman Highly Favored of God


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