Saturday, July 16, 2011

Surprise, Surprise

It's been a while since I have wrote anything.  On July 2, 2011 I turned 40 years old and I expected a party from my daughter and niece but nothing.  Kat and I did go to Texas Cattle Company and it was delicious, (yum, yum).  Well in anticipation of a party that night nothing happen, she took me home and I was in for the night.  Well after July 2, I accepted that there was no party and maybe when I turn 45 they can try it again.  Well on July 8, 2011 my family and friends pulled off a surprise party for me.  Those people told so many lies that Andrea told Vicki "I'm so tired of lying to my mama".  So I had to pray and ask God to forgive them all and me too for making them go to these extremes.  It was wonderful and I am so glad that I was able to spend such a special occasion with good family and good friends.

Well I wanted to have sent off songs and been picked up by a label by the time I turned 40.  Didn't happen.  But I am not giving up because the Lord sent word to me not to give up and that people are going to think I am crazy, but don't give up.  You mean people will think I am crazier than what they already think.  WOW!!  It's not over, til God says it's over......Surprise Surprise....God got this....Don't give up!!!

Woman Highly Favored of God

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