Thursday, March 15, 2012


Let the church say Amen!!!  That is all left for us to say to all of God's promises, Amen.  If we are living Holy according to the Word of God, it's Amen!!!  If we are living unholy according to the Word of God, it's Amen!!! God can not tell a lie and He will not be mocked.  So He will do just what He says He will do and His Word will not be found contrary to it's self.  A lot of times we wonder why we aren't blessed when we are doing all we can to live Holy, not remembering that we have cursed ourselves with our tongue by saying something contrary to the blessing.  Or we've cursed ourselves by not giving our tithes and offering faithfully.  Or we have some forgiveness that we are carrying around that we should have released to someone who wronged us.  Blessings and curses depend on us.  So let the church say Amen!!!  Believe God's Word, obey God's Word, and receive the blessings from God's Word.  No we won't get it right all the time, but His grace is sufficient and He is a forgiving God.  Amen!!!

Woman Highly Favored of God 

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