Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today with Iyana

Well I sat to blog today and my baby girl is demanding my attention.,  So I'm going to watch "Big Time Rush" with her.  I took a nap and she couldn't get me up so now she's trying to get me to watch t.v.  I told her that as soon as I was done with my blog, we would play.  She said to me "didn't Pastor preached today about putting Family First".... Out of the mouth of babes AGAIN!!!  She hears what she wants to hear, and she keeps me on my toes.  God please don't let it be like "iCarly".  Sometimes you have to take a break from the routine and show the kids you are interested in the things that interest them.  Here goes.  Have a blessed and wonderful day.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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