Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Or does it make you FREE?  The Word of God reads in John 8:32-And you shall know the truth, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE.  Yeah I admit it might be painful to the flesh to become free from the sin that we are living in but honestly the truth can free us from our mess if we let it.  We have to know what's right and what's wrong before we can make a conscious decision to do what's right.  As a mother of 4 I am a believer in "Kids say the darnedest things."  The other day my 8 year old Iyana was talking about her big sister not letting her light shine, so I asked her about her other 2 siblings and she had something to say about them all.  Finally I asked her "Well what about mommy?  Does mommy let her light shine?"  And she said "sometimes" my eyes widened at disbelief and then I asked "What does mommy do that stops her light from shinning"  and she said without missing a beat "you yell too much, sometimes you have yelling issues".  Out of the mouth of babes.  Well if my light isn't shinning at home, how can I let it shine when it comes to others.  Yeah it was a little painful to hear my child say these words but as I thought about it, she was correct.  So now I'm counting down before I blow a gasket.  Ya'll pray with me because I've been yelling a long time now.  I'm sure there's some other truths that I need to come to grips with, but this is the one I decided to share with you.  Think about what truths you need to deal with; now let's pray together that we do better and live free.  God loves you.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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