That's the attitude we should have always. We should have that attitude on our jobs, at church, and everywhere we are no matter what we are doing. I remember when I worked for the local newspaper in classified as a telemarketer once I had met my quota for ads I didn't call another number. I would just sit at my desk and work on anything but newspaper work. I recall one day counting how many birds flew by with fish from the nearby lake, and one day my niece Vicki passed by and I called her and told her "I see you at the light by the civic center" and she just laughed at me. I am laughing at me right now, that was awful. The Bible lets us know in Colossians 3:23-24 that "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." WHAT!!! That's right, if God has blessed us to have a job we need to give it 100%. That means stop gazing out the window and pretending you're calling clients, stop sitting outside for 20 minutes on your 15 minute break. Usher as if you were ushering God to His seat, clean the church like God Himself asked you to clean Heaven (which I'm sure isn't dirty but you know what I mean). No matter what we are working on, we should work on it as if we are Working For the Lord. We can not allow our feelings to get us all puffed up even if we know we are being treated wrong by a boss, it's not for them it's for God is the attitude to have. I think we need to pray...Dear God, thank You for grace and mercy, forgive me Lord for not doing as Your Word says and working 100% at the work You have blessed me with, I appreciate it and now that I know better I will do better. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. God Loves You..
Woman Highly Favored of God
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