Saturday, January 4, 2014

Are you smarter than.....

.....God?  Let me help you just in case you're stupid enough to think the correct answer is yes.  Nope you are not, no one is.  1 Corinthians 1:25 (NIV) For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
If God was foolish, He still is wiser than us.  God knows just what we need, and when we need it?  We all want money, but God knows that we can't handle being wealthy right now.  Just keep tithing and being faithful, and while we are doing that we are becoming spiritually mature.
Some husbands and wives want babies, but God knows that a baby isn't just what is needed in your current situation, just keep loving on one another and remember Sarah's story.
Some want husbands or wives, but God knows we aren't strong enough to be 100% submissive just yet, so just keep being led by the Holy Spirit and one day, that Holy Ghost filled man will find his good woman.
Yes, God is wiser and stronger than we come close to being.  So just trust all His ways, especially His timing.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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