Friday, February 25, 2011

Not being Anxious!!!

Philippians 4:6 Let's me know that I should not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present my requests to God. Well I'm not being Anxious!!! I am however excited and thanking God that He will honor my request and I will have favor for the petition I have presented to Him. Last night after all this time FINALLY we sent 3 songs that I wrote to copyrights. Okay, Life & Death and My Friend. I am so excited, because at 12:00 today I will be going to Orlando to meet with this big musician. God is good, I'm nervous, but I know that God has my back. I've prayed about this, and I'm good. God love ya and so do I. I am Not Being Anxious!!!!

Woman Highly Favored of God.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Get it together.....

Or it will fall apart. Stop being scared to do what you know God has called you to do because you think it might not work. If it is what God wants to happen He will not allow you to not make it. There may be all kinds of things that form against you but none of them shall prosper. Nope it won't work, it will only make you stronger. There is nothing the devil can do to you that God doesn't already know about. You see as you go through and come out, you are also growing through and standing tall, you will see the glory of God and know it's not about you but all about God. So in saying all of that I will be going back to record again. Still trusting God, encouraging myself, and Can't give up now.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Monday, February 7, 2011

God Knows Just What's Best

Let not your heart be troubled, Your Father, The Master, The Creator, Alpha and Omega knows just what is best for you.  Sometimes we want things that seem to be a good idea, but are not a God idea, (JMac).  What might be wonderful for someone, might be total disaster for you.  God knows what the future holds and His wisdom is far greater than ours 1Cor.1:25.  He knows what's down the road, around the corner, and behind the doors. Jer. 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  God lets us know here that He knows just what's best, sometimes we will harm ourselves because we only see what's in front of us especially if our minds are carnal.  But God wants us to know "I see your future and I know just which direction I want you to go, which doors I want you to walk through, which opportunities I want you to not have."  God wants us to keep the faith, because that is the substance of our hope for our future.  So when ever a good idea seems to pass you by, don't stress it wasn't a God idea.  God Knows Just What's Best.  

Woman Highly Favored of God

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why are the meek so blessed?.....

In the Holy Bible Matthew 5:5 >  Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.  I was wondering what makes the meek so blessed?  So blessed that they will inherit the earth, which means they don't have to pay for it, but it's given to them.  Well if you know me at all, you know that after reading that I was thinking, well what's so good about this earth.  So thank God for Pastor McCormick again because I looked up the Greek definition of the word earth, and it's speaking of Canaan, the good land, a place where there is no want and no lacking. (Judges 18:9-10) The meek are so blessed because a meek person is a humble person.  I looked the word up and the definitions that came up made me think some more.  Here are a few, see which ones you can check off.  Mild, patient, long-suffering, unselfish, gentle, kind, humble, and those were at the top of and then as I scrolled down I found these definitions as well, keep checking now.  Teachable, easily managed, readily trained, and OVERLY SUBMISSIVE.  BOOM!!!  WHOOP THERE IT IS!!! This just made me'll know how the sisters in church do it.  So it looks like to me a whole lot of deliverance needs to take place before some of us can call ourselves meek and receive the inheritance that God has already given to us.  Lord have mercy, God this is all for me, I desire to have a meek spirit.  I promise ya'll this will preach, I am bubbling inside right now because I can start with being mild which is gentle and speak on how some of us are so rude and have no compassion for people and this is not pleasing to God, and I can go to how some of us so stupid and keep ending up in stupid situations because we're not teachable.  I'm not even going to touch OVERLY SUBMISSIVE right here.  So right now I'm going to get my pen and pad so I can get a message ready when Pastor calls on me to speak again.  To God be ALL the glory.

Woman Highly Favored of God

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Under His Wing

Things have been so tough for me.  I mean so--- OMGoodness what is going on (tough)?  The spirit of doubt, the spirit of poverty, the spirit of fear, and the spirit of loneliness all tried to take over my mind and get me all confused and bothered.   But because I had my umbrella up, ya'll didn't know.  At times like these I have to submit completely to God and resist the devil and these spirits which could lead to suicidal thinking.  I thank God for it all because it has drawn me closer to Him.  I mean I have been a Christian for a while, but these last few months have made me press myself to get understanding and know what God promises mean for me.  Being under God's wings gave me peace, under His wings gave me protection, under His wings gave me knowledge and understanding.  Oh being under His wing is a humbling place.  God thank You so much for just being so good, my personal protector, my personal shield, my automatic umbrella.  I stand in awe of You.  My heart is overjoyed and You have turned my tears into joy.  I love You Lord and I am available to You.  I will seek You first and I will remember that under Your wings is my refuge. Ps. 91:4

Woman Highly Favored of God