Monday, October 21, 2013

Can you handle the truth?

Do you know why it is so hard for Christians to talk to one another, because a lot of us are "Too Saved to Handle the Truth."  Even though we know that is the only way to be free, according to John 8:32.  Oh I hear you in the spirit saying "Jesus Christ set me free" John 14:6 and Jesus is the Truth, so let's get through this. You see how we get when we hear someone talking about truth, truth exposes, sheds light.  If I need to go to a sistah and tell her what I'm going through, if it's too deep she can't handle it.  "Sistah, I am horny and need a man" and the sistah can't wait to judge me, so she runs and tells others that I'm this and I'm that....instead of praying in agreement with me that God will subdue my iniquities..Micah 7:19.  Come on saints of God, let's do better.  Are you "Too Saved to Handle My Truth?"  If so your ministry is null and void because you can't even restore me as God has said for you to do so.  Gal. 6:1-2  Let's get it together sAINTS. 

Woman Highly Favored of God

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