Monday, October 21, 2013

Moving by Faith

Good morning;

As I try to be submissive to the Holy Spirit there is one thing for sure.  When God says do something, He means do it.  I mean I have been praying and asking God for different things to get going in my life and it seems as if He is saying "Okay, let's see if she is going to be obedient and move when I say move."  That is how you receive your blessings.  Every time someone in the Bible received a blessing or a healing (which is a blessing) Jesus had them do something.  John 5:8>Rise, take up your bed and walk...Mark 10:52>Go, your faith has healed you....Luke 8:48>He told the woman with the issue of blood to "Go in peace."  We have got to move when God says move if we want to be blessed.  What makes us move?  Our faith will make us move. How BIG or how small our faith is, is the way we will respond to God telling us to move.  We stay in the same place stagnant when we don't obey God because our faith is small.  Stagnant is still, motionless,dead, stank.  When our faith is small and we refuse to move when God says move, our attitude gets stank about certain things.  We start blaming God for lack of receiving when it's our own fault because we didn't have BIG enough faith to move and trust God when He said "Go."  I'm going on is Jesus name.  Whatever happens I trust God to work it out to my good because I love Him. (Rom. 8:28)  Be blessed.

Moving to get my blessing,

God bless,
Woman Highly Favored by God

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