Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Wow, it's Mother's Day again and I'm blessed to be Andrea, Devonte', Jurnee, and Iyana's mom. I can't forget Roderick and Sha'Kera, those are my babies too. I love that God allowed me to be able to pour into their lives, as they have poured into mine. I haven't always been able to give them material things, but I gave them all the love a mother could give a child, a mother that loves the Lord.

Every last one of them get on my nerves sometimes. Andrea can be a little snob sometimes, Devonte' thinks he knows it all sometimes, Jurnee is just goofy sometimes, Iyana talks too much sometimes, Roderick is a little lazy sometimes and Sha'Kera would rather fight it out and get it over sometimes, but I can truly say "They get it from their mama". We need to remember who we were before we became the mature, adults that we are now. Our children that we are training up in the way that they should go will get it eventually. Yeah I know it seems like never, but I think about all the prayers my mama sent up for me. I was all my kids rolled up in one little hellion, but thank God my mama and my God didn't give up on me.

So Happy Mother's Day to my mama, Happy Mother's Day to each of you, and thank you to my kids for reminding me to "keep praying and don't give up".

I love ya'll.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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