Thursday, August 11, 2011

Because He Loved (s) Me to Death!!!!

Jesus loved us to death!! His love for us was so great that He gave His life for us to live.  Now that's real love.  He put our sins to death, so our sins wouldn't put us to death, but that we would have a chance to live with Him when He returns.  God sees our shortcomings and He sent His Son so that we could be forgiven for those short comings.   No greater love that the ultimate love that Christ showed for us.  We should think about that when we are sinning and not thinking about repenting from mess.  I spoke to a lady just the other day and she said to me "well He's a forgiving God for a reason, He knows we are going to do it anyways", she was speaking on fornication.  Yes He is a forgiving God, but we shouldn't live with that mentality.  What if we die in the act?  Then what?  Strive for holiness, strive for righteousness, He deserves us giving 100% to doing what is right.  Because He Loved (s) Me to Death, I can face tomorrow.  Because of His love, I don't have to allow someone else to "Love Me to Death" by being in an abusive relationship with someone that might just "Love Me to Death"...Pray on it and seek counseling God wants what is best for us.

Woman Highly Favored of God  

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