Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wonderful Woman

Ladies we are wonderful!!!  Adam saw Eve wonderful once God formed her...he said bones of my bones, flesh of my flesh...Adam knew he was the head, but he didn't see his wife in a belittling form. Gen. 2:21-23

God made us fearfully and wonderfully, and we should act like we know.  Not in an arrogant way, but humble.  Being independent is wonderful, but everyone needs someone so know how to be independent in behavior and don't let it come out your mouth or be on your face in an arrogant state. Ps. 139:14

Before God made us, He knew us.  While we were yet in our mother's womb, we were chosen for a work.  God knows our every move and thought, He knows we are a mess, but He still has a work for us to do if we just allow Him to use us to be a blessing.  Jer. :5

God does not show favortism.  He made David fearfully and wonderfully so I am fearfully and wonderfully.  He knew Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb and chose him and He knew me before I was formed in the womb and chose me.

We need to know this, so we can encourage ourselves when the storm comes.  Yes it will come,but God's promises are our refuge.  Know who you are in Christ, know God's word for you and know that you are a Wonderful Woman.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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