Saturday, August 27, 2011

Off to College Trained in the way he should go.....

Proverbs 22:6> Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old it will not depart from him.  AKA >Direct, lead, instruct a child in the righteous, holy, Godly way and when he leaves home he may mess up but he will not easily walk in a direction contrary to what he has learned at home.  I took my son to college this week and to my surprise I didn't cry my eyes out when I left him there.  Yeah a shed a few tears, but I was comforted by his voice saying to me "mama, you did your thing and raised us to do as you do and you have been a good example, you didn't say one thing and do another" To God be the glory, that was worth this walk with God.  You know our children are always watching us and listening to the things we say.  We sometimes think they aren't getting it, but they do.  God has charged us as parents to be just that, parents and not our kids friends.  Yeah they gone get mad about some stuff, but hey I would rather they be mad at me than God to have to punish me for not doing my part as "Mama".  Be blessed son and know that I love you, but God loves you more.

Woman Highly Favored of God

1 comment:

  1. HI, sister in the Lord! I'm glad you shared your testimony of love for our Father and told me of your blogg. I, too, want to be more faithful in submitting bloggs on my site and have not done so. God gives us so many gifts and blessings and wants us to share it with others. I think your blogg is a blessing and want to encourage you to continue your journey in this manner. Be blessed today! Love, Elizabeth
