Monday, February 27, 2012

Meek Not Weak, Don't get it twisted...

To be meek is to be humble, and sometimes people take your meekness for a weakness.  What happens when that happens?  Either we are mature enough to know that we must just pray for them and remain gentle, or we aren't mature enough and go off the deep end.  If we snap, crackle, and pop we probably aren't meek just yet so repent and keep trying.  It seems like the harder you try to be meek, the more buttons people push, and you try to walk in love, and let your light so shine and they just keep on until you say look I'm Meek Not Weak, Don't get it twisted and just as you begin to go off the spirit of meekness overwhelms you and the Holy Spirit says don't forget that Romans 12:19 says >Don't take revenge, my dear friends, but  leave room for God's wrath for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.  No matter what we must continue in meekness.  The bible says that the meek inherit the earth...they shall have a state of mind here on earth and have peace and happiness and not be overtaken by the worries here on earth.  So since God has got our back, it's okay for people to get it twisted, just humbly pray for them because they must not know that you are God's anointed.  Be blessed my friend.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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