Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 and still trusting God!!!

Hello everyone, it's been a while I know and I must say that I have to repent because I had given up on my writing and all my situations.  I guess I had given up on believing that God's promises are "yes and amen".  I can't be discouraged and I must not faint.  I sin when I doubt.  My pastor was speaking from Matt. 17 about "Mustard seed faith" and the way he explained it really touched my spirit.  Yes mustard seeds are small so little faith is all we need, but mustard seeds are also pure, and our faith without doubt is pure faith.  That's the mustard seed faith that I need to make sure I keep trusting God that He will open the right doors and close the right doors.  That even though His time is not my time, keep trusting that He is in control.  I have got to know that ain't no mountains moving while I have doubt in my heart.  Well it's 2012 and I am still trusting God.  I'm not perfect, and I let flesh get in the way a little but I'm back on the right track.  Please pray for me as I will for you.  God loves you and so do I.  I pray you have a Happy, Holy New Year.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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