Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kids These Days Are Street Wise YOUNG!!!

Luke 16:8

New Life Version (NLV)
8 Then the rich man said that this sinful boss had been wise to plan for himself for the days ahead. For the people of the world are wiser in their day than the children of light.

Some of our kids are so street smart that if we don't stop being so heavenly minded, we won't be any earthly good for them because they will outwit us.

Andrea (my 1st born) has a friend that has twin girls in kindergarten and yesterday they decided that they would switch classes.  They were not discovered until half way through the day, when one of the teachers called the little smart twin to her desk to talk to her and discovered the mark on her face wasn't there.

Now I've met these little beauties and they are indeed a handful and I knew they were smart, but I had no idea they were this intelligent.  

I have a little niece myself that is only 4 and on Christmas her mom told me she opened her little black cabbage patch doll and commented "Santa must not of read my letter".  And I gave her some socks and she opened the box and told me "I'm a size 5".  What....Too Smart, is that even possible.

We as parents better raise these children the way God says to raise them and open our natural eyes as well as our spiritual eyes so that we can keep up with what's going on.  Because a weak parent is no match with a Street Wise kid.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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