Monday, January 23, 2012

Angie, thank you!!!

This goes out to my friend Angie.  We went to school and graduated together and we really haven't been in communication with one another at all.  But I saw her at my job and got her phone number and after about a month I finally called her.  Well she and I talked and realized that we both love Jesus and have grown into mature women of God.  Oh boy have we come a long way.  Anyways Angie said something that was very encouraging to me, something that really made me realize that I need to get my act together.  She told me that she use to log on the social network tool just to read my blogs daily.  She said when she needed encouraging she would go on knowing that she would receive a word from God.  She asked me to please don't stop because she looks forward to the blogs.  I am a minister for God and when I started this I was on fire, making it my business to share God's word. Could it be that I had positioned myself in a backsliding position?  Have I given up on being the witness that God wants me to be?  God forgive me and bless my dear friend Angie.  Thank you Angie, for being your "Sistahs Keeper" and please be a thorn in my side.  I need you....God Bless.

Woman Highly Favored of God 

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