Monday, January 23, 2012

SISTAH, You're a Diamond In the Rough.....

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Prov. 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Do you know your worth?  I sometimes get in a funk and wonder why I even try sometimes.  It seems like I always miss the mark.  Things happen that I should be spiritually mature enough to understand or figure out and I mess it up.  I seem to mess up spiritually, physically, and emotionally (if that is even possible)  I feel like giving up sometimes. In tears, ready to step down and then the Spirit of the Lord gently whispers to me "SISTAH, You're a Diamond In the Rough".  The devil wants you to feel like you are nothing, that what you do is all in vain like nobody loves you.  But snap out of it and realize that just like a diamond, you're kinda rough around the edges and things don't look good to you or even others but once God cuts away the irregularities and polishes you all up, then you and others will see the beautiful and precious valuable person that God has created you to be.  It takes work to get to that beauty, a diamond doesn't start out as the beautiful gems that we see in the stores.  They start out looking like a big ugly cloudy rock, oh but once the diamond cutter cuts all that stuff away, and shines it up...viola-it's beautiful and valuable.  So don't give up, let God cut off the stuff that needs to be taken away and let Him polish you up.  Just like in the physical realm a cut hurts, so the more stuff needing cutting the more painful it will be, but once it's done your value will shine.  Now if you are getting this to God be the glory, but this is for me.  The pain that I feel because I am being chastised or because I am learning or growing is for my own good.  To some it may seem small, but because Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (NIV 1 Pet. 5:8) I gotta be alert and don't get caught up in feelings.  Thank you Holy Spirit, I love You.  Have a Jesus filled day...

Woman Highly Favored of God

1 comment:

  1. Asalamu Alaykom from Egypt,

    I like how you wrote this idea out. You are a talented preacher and may God reward you for reaching the people with the message.

    Love and Light!
