Friday, January 27, 2012

Biceps and Triceps....

Abs & Legs OH MY....  So ladies, this one is strictly for us.  I have an associate that really is a nice guy, and he isn't married and just so dog gone handsome and fine.  Well I am trying to figure out a way to not think about this man other than a friend.  We don't have much contact because he lives in another state, and I am really glad.  I had to get into the Word of God and stop my mind from going where it should not go.  Galatians 5:16 (NLV)>I say this to you: Let the Holy Spirit lead you in each step.  Then you will not please your sinful old selves.  This old self is sinful, and my mind wants to keep reminding me of that.  I know the man is in another state, but if I allow my eyes to lust after him I could open up some doors better left shut.  So I keep reading and 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (NLV)>God wants you to be holy.  You must keep away from sex sins.  God wants each of you to use his body in the right way by keeping it holy and by respecting it.  You should not use it to please your own desires like the people who do not know God.  This sounds like Paul was speaking to church folk, so don't judge me.  Then Peter speaks to the beloved saints, and lets them know in 1 Peter 2:11 that there real home isn't here on earth.  We are strangers here.  Peter ask the beloved to keep away from all the sinful desires of the flesh.  These things fight to get hold of your soul.  Romans 12:2 says to renew your mind.  The flesh and an UN renewed mind is nothing to play with, so it's okay to see a fine brother and think he's fine or handsome.  But once those biceps, triceps, abs, and legs make you say OH may want to check yourself and get in the Word and make sure you aren't headed for destruction.  Just keeping it real...

Woman Highly Favored of God

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