Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life And Death Is In The Power of Your Tongue

Hello Bloggers;
This is like my 3rd day at this and if I don't start recording again I'M GONNA.......just relax and be patient and trust God.  You know Life and Death is in the Power of  your tongue, the word of God reads in Numbers 14:28 "...As I live, says the Lord, just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you":  so I have to control what I allow to come out of my mouth.  If things are this crazy now, how am I going to feel in the next few weeks if things are still going slow, I can't mess up my blessings with my own mouth there will be enough haters to try to do that anyways.  My prayer for me today is "Lord, let Your will be done.  Amen"

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