Friday, December 31, 2010

Out With The Old

It's the end of 2010 and every year we tell ourselves the same lies that we are done with this mess and that mess only to find ourselves still in bondage to some mess.    The Word of God reads  in Matthew 18:18 (NIV)  “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."  So we can bind and loose and God has our backs.  Bind what and loose what you may ask...  Well here we go.  In the Name of Jesus Christ I bind the spirit of....
1.  Pride and I loose a humble spirit.
2.  Fornication and I loose a pure spirit
3.  Lying and I loose a truthful spirit
4.  Bad habits and loose a spirit to please God
Just to name a few, I'm letting go of everything keeping me from being all that God has called me to be.  I believe that God will open the flood gates of Heaven and pour His blessings out on me, renew my spirit and give life to my dying situations.  I have got to take control of everything corrupting my growth, I acknowledge that my mess is my fault God and I need You to lead me, guide me, and help me out of this place of destruction.  God I am trusting You because there is no other way.
Praise God we made it to the end of another year, we still have time to get it right.

God Bless,

Woman Highly Favored of God  

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