Saturday, December 25, 2010

Still Going After This Gift From God

As I had time to rest today and just fellowship with God.  Some things came to me, very clear.   I am currently reading a book titled "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by: Elizabeth George.  It is a wonderful learning tool.  Although I love to write, and sing, and believe that God will bless the works of my hands.  I believe the Spirit of the Lord wanted me to understand that my true gift from Him is my bold way in winning souls for Him.  So I need to make sure  I know that while I am "Going After This Gift From God"  I need to put as much effort into winning souls as I put into writing gospel songs if not more.  I like talking to people about Christ and it brings me joy when I do.  I'm straight up with anyone I meet when it comes to witnessing.  So please don't think that I am giving up on the writing and singing and I will keep you posted on how it is going.  But more of my blogs will be Jesus focused and not Brenda focused.  Thanks Holy Spirit for leading me.  Isn't God sooooo good.  Lord I Give Myself To You, so You Can Use Me.

click the link to hear an anointed worship song and my dedication to God.

YouTube - William McDowell - I Give Myself Away: 

Woman Highly Favored of God

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