Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thanks Pooh

Last night my daughter came to me and said that she believed the Holy Spirit wanted her to tell me "don't give up on this".  I really love that girl, she's one of the best blessings God has given me.  She really makes me proud and  I am so happy to take her on this journey with me.  She must have seen me looking a little perplexed but I praise God that she had a word of encouragement for me.  She believes in the gift that God has given me, and that means a lot.  So nothing has went to copyrights yet and that's what is making me HOT!!!  You know when you are burning with something, and no one else understands that fire.  God please send me someone to help me understand this process and get the ball rolling.  I am so busy just trying to make things run smooth.  God 1st is the key....So while I am "Going After This Gift From God" I must remember to put God 1st, not be anxious and He will lead me and guide me in the right direction.  Thanks for reading, have a blessed day.

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