Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Okay....

To praise God with dance and music, as long as God gets ALL the praise and Glory!!!  Why do people have the spirit of Michal (jealous spirit) when others don't do things the way they do it.  I know a many of churches that would think that I am not fit to be a Minister of the Lord, just because I think it's okay to dance and that rap music is okay in church.  I know it's okay as long as God gets the glory.  David danced in 2 Sam 6:12-16, and Miriam danced in Exodus 15:20, her and her girls.  As long as it's not a praise from the wicked, which is an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 15:8) and the praise is from the upright, which delights Him,  It's Okay.....
And I looked it up people and rap is defined  >a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s, in which an insistent, recurring beatpattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid,slangy, and often boastful rhyming patter glibly intoned by avocalist or vocalists.(  
If words that glorify God can be put in a beat to make you bop your head and snap your fingers, then you're glorifying God with your fingers and your head.  To God be all the glory, forever and ever amen.  So stop judging and get with the program, the energy used to be negative about what someone else is doing could be used to Praise God with a dance, because It's Okay....   


Woman Highly Favored of God

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