Monday, January 10, 2011

Things seem so fami-LIAR

Sometimes people get so desperate to find a quick answer to their problems they turn to sorcery.  They call 900 numbers or go to fortune tellers to find Mr./Mrs. Right, to find out if they are dying, to find out if they are going to be rich and some even seek witchcraft to cast spells on people.  Once you open the door up to mediums (occult), they start telling you things that sound familiar.   Things that you want to hear and while you think they are helping you they are only polluting your soul.  This stuff is real people, God wants us to know that He is our God.  He is our go to when we are lonely, when we are sick, when we want to know something about our life, and even when others hurt us; it's all in His Book, The Holy Bible.  We need to take time to read and study the Bible to find out just what the Lord has to say to us personally.  God says in Lev. 19:31 "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritist, for you will be defiled by them.  I am the Lord your God."  That means stay away from that mess, I'm all the God you need.  That's Brenda paraphrasing!!!  Don't open the doors to this pollution, it's a door easy to open from the outside going in, but hard to open from the inside coming out.  The spirit of lies will be so overwhelming that it's hard to see truth because things seem so fami-LIAR.  God is all we need.  I love you.

Woman Highly Favored of God

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